Posted On: Nov 23, 2021

Fleet Manager, a feature in AWS Systems Manager (SSM) that helps IT Admins streamline and scale their remote server management processes, now enables a console-based management experience for Windows instances. This new feature provides customers a full graphical interface to setup secure connections to and manage Windows instances. You no longer need to install additional software, set up additional servers, or open direct inbound access to ports on the instance.

Fleet Manager now provides a simple browser-based means to access Windows servers using Remote Desktop Protocol, or RDP, with security protocols. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections into Windows servers are established through a few simple steps in the console providing access to your server or server-based application. With this feature, you can simultaneously open connections to multiple servers at once and access them from the same console removing the need to switch back and forth between tabs. In addition to standard credential-based access, you can use AWS Single Sign-On and third-party identity providers such as Ping and Okta for a seamless one click log-in experience.

Fleet Manager is a console based experience in Systems Manager that provides you with visual tools to manage your Windows, Linux, and macOS servers. With it, you can easily perform common administrative tasks such as file system exploration, log management, Windows Registry operations, performance counters, and user management from a single console. Fleet Manager manages instances running both on AWS and on-premises, without needing to remotely connect to the servers.

This new feature in Fleet Manager is available in all AWS Regions where Systems Manager is offered (excluding AWS China Regions and AWS GovCloud [US]). To learn more about Fleet Manager, visit our web-page, read our blog post, or see our documentation and AWS Systems Manager FAQs. To get started, choose Fleet Manager from the Systems Manager left navigation pane.