Posted On: May 24, 2021

AWS Compute Optimizer is a service that recommends optimal AWS resources for your workloads to reduce costs and improve performance by using machine learning to analyze historical utilization metrics. Today, Compute Optimizer is launching several updates to its EC2 instance type recommendations. Through these updates, Compute Optimizer has improved recommendation quality, doubled the number of supported EC2 instance types, offered deeper insights into the recommendations, and provided customers a way to identify OS configuration changes needed to apply recommendations.

Recommendation Quality Improvements: Compute Optimizer now considers network packets per second, local storage throughput, and local storage IOPS when generating EC2 instance type recommendations. Customers can now identify resources that are over-provisioned or under-provisioned in network I/O or local storage I/O, and optimize these resources by leveraging Compute Optimizer recommendations.

Recommendation Coverage Improvements: Compute Optimizer now supports 153 more EC2 instance types. Newly supported instance types include storage-optimized instances (I3, I3en, D2, D3, D3en, H1), instances with up to 100Gbps network bandwidth (C5n, M5n, R5n, M5dn, R5dn, M5zn), high frequency instances (z1d), and Graviton2 instances (C6g, M6g, R6g, C6gd, M6gd, R6gd, C6gn).

Recommendation Insights: Compute Optimizer now provides deeper insights into recommendations by identifying specific resource dimensions that are over- or under-provisioned. This helps customers understand which compute resources are driving the recommendations. Supported resource dimensions include CPU, memory, network bandwidth, network packets per second, local storage IOPS, local storage throughput, EBS throughput, and EBS IOPS. For detailed information, see our documentation.

Platform Difference Information: Compute Optimizer now describes the platform differences between the current and the recommended EC2 instance type so customers can easily identify potential configuration changes (e.g., network driver, NVMe driver) they need to make when moving from the current instance type to the recommended one. For more information on platform difference information and suggested configuration changes, see our documentation.

These features are available in US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), and South America (São Paulo) Regions at no additional charge. Customers can also access these recommendations through Cost Explorer Rightsizing recommendations. For more information about Compute Optimizer, visit our product page. You can start using AWS Compute Optimizer through the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDK. Click here to learn more.